So, Visio Viewer is available to download for freely and works well in most of the Microsoft Operating Systems such as Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-Bit x86), Windows Server 2003 R2 圆4 editions, Windows Server 2008 (SP2), Windows Vista (SP1), Windows Vista (SP2) and Windows XP (SP3). Visio Viewer is particularly useful for teams that need to collaborate from different locations. Visio Viewer enables users to discover the advantages of using Visio drawings, charts, and illustrations in a Web-based environment.

Meanwhile, you can zoom in / out and rotate the drawing window by using toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcuts, or menu items in the shortcut menu. Then Internet Explorer will open, and Visio Viewer will render the drawing in the browser window. To use Visio viewer view Visio drawings is simple, all you need is double clicking the visio drawing files (visio file extension. Click on the extension to open, upload Visio files for opening.

While Microsoft does offer a free Visio Viewer application, allowing users to view and comment on Visio files, there’s no free plan to speak of.
Free visio viewer chrome for mac os#
Then open the Extension tools, pin this plug-in to quickly open a Visio file. In addition, there is no version of Visio for Mac OS X, so Mac users are locked out of the platform unless they’re working from the web. Go to Chrome Web Store>Extensions, search Visio Viewer Free Online from ASPOSE. According to Microsoft, this new Visio Viewer is expected to enable users to discover the advantages of using Visio drawings, charts and illustrations in a Web-based environment especially for teams that need to collaborate from different locations. To open Visio files with ASPOSE Plug-in in Chrome. However, Microsoft recently released a visio viewer to assist user viewing visio diagramming drawing creation and previous versions from Visio 5.0 in Internet Explorer web browser without purchasing the entire Microsoft Visio software.
Free visio viewer chrome software#
Meanwhile, the cost of a Microsoft Visio software is expensive and not everyone can affordable to purchase it just for viewing purpose. Previously viewing visio diagramming drawing is difficult because you need Microsoft Visio diagram software installed on your computer then you just able to view the Visio file.